Side adapter systems
GlassFit Gravity
The lateral adapters of the Gravity range are characterized by being innovative, minimalist and elegant in line with current architecture. The solutions offered by this range make it easy to adapt it to contemporary architectural trends, being the ideal result in projects where an exclusive design is sought.
Before being marketed, all systems are tested according to international regulations, guaranteeing their safety and reliability.
Furthermore, thanks to our R&D department, innovative solutions have been developed providing an easier installation.
Our Gravity system
Round button system for glass railings with AlSI-316 stainless steel side adapter with own leveling mechanisms: Level 2D and Slot 360.
Designed in accordance with international regulations for uses in public and private spaces, such as single-family homes, hotel balconies, balconies of residential buildings, stairs, etc.
The GlassFit CC-772 side adapter system does not only provide an elegant and minimalist style to each project, although it also incorporates a series of unique improvements that make installation easier and more secure, enhancing the security of all users.